Breakfast June 10, 2010
Date to Be
Your Business Into
by Brian Schlosser
lead times are long. Competitors are bidding
jobs with no margin. Overall demand for your
service is down. Customers are paying
late. Suppliers are not extending
credit. We could go on all day. Times
are tough. Retirement? Are you
kidding? Now is the time to
rebuild your business from the ground up.
Brian will be discussing practical steps on how to
lead your business and your people to your goal of
financial security and success.
The breakfast will take place
at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road.
Registration, Networking and Breakfast begin at
7:30 a.m. with the program from 8:00 a.m. to
9:00 a.m. Registration fees are $10.00 for
certified professionals, $20.00 for non-certified
members and $30.00 for non-members. Register
online at or call (937)
222-6274 and RSVP
today! |
RRP Rule Certification June 15,
Valley NARI has another class for the EPA's RRP
Rule Certification scheduled for Tuesday, June 15,
2010. This class will be instructed by
William Menrath, MS. If you or your firm is
not yet certified, here is an opportunity. The
class will take place from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford
Road. The cost of the class is $179.00 for
member companies or $229.00 for non-member
companies. EPA's Renovation, Repair
and Painting Final Rule (40 CFR 745) requires that
renovations conducted for compensation, must be
performed by Certified Firms using Certified
Renovators. Renovation firms that wish to work in
pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must
apply to the EPA and pay a fee in order to become
certified. Renovators seeking to become Certified
Renovators must successfully complete an
EPA-accredited renovator course or a course
accredited by an EPA-authorized State or Tribe.
This course is the EPA model course for Certified
Renovators and as such meets all requirements in
40 CFR 745.90. This course will teach attendees
how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and
Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule,
and how to perform lead-safe work practices safely
and effectively. Once you have successfully
completed a Certified Renovator Initial Course,
delivered by an EPA-accredited training provider,
you will be an EPA Certified Renovator. EPA
Certified Renovator status will allow you to do
lead-safe renovation, repair, and painting work in
pre-1978 housing and in child- occupied facilities
where work will disturb lead-based
paint. . The class is limited to 24 students
and will fill up quickly. Please call (937)
222-6274 to register or go to |
8, 2010
summer just beginning, fireplaces are the furthest
thing from most people's minds. However
those wanting to remodel or purchase items on sale
are thinking about them and the folks from
Hamilton Parker are going to help you be informed
about what products are out there and how to
determine which is best for each customer.
join Lori Ring and Steve Watters of Hamilton
Parker as they will be discussing the different
options of fireplaces that are available,
including some that are "earth friendly" and the
values of each based on customer need, position in
the home, and installation potential. You will be
surprised what little we actually know about
fireplaces, their uses and their many
breakfast will take place at the Ramada Plaza
North on Wagner Ford Road. Registration,
Networking and Breakfast begin at 7:30 a.m. with
the program from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Registration fees are $10.00 for certified
professionals, $20.00 for non-certified members
and $30.00 for non-members. Register online at or call (937)
222-6274 and RSVP today!
by HouseTrends Magazine
join us for Miami Valley NARI's next "Happy Hour"
social event. Housetrends Magazine is hosting the
get-together at Thai 9 located in Dayton's
Historic Oregon District. Food and beverages will
be provided by HouseTrends.
on in and relax! Visit with old friends you
haven't seen in awhile and new friends you haven't
met yet. What better way to close out the week
than to hang out with your favorite NARI pals?
forget to visit with Evelyn Yaus to discuss your
current and future advertising needs in Dayton's
premier remodeling
by contacting the Miami Valley NARI Office at
(937) 222-NARI or online at
Votes to Block Lead-Rule Fines
U.S. Senate has voted to delay imposition of fines
and liability related to the controversial new
federal lead rule, and one senator has called for
a hearing on the measure. The move to delay the
rule came May 26 in an amendment (S. 4253) to the
Fiscal Year 2010 Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations bill (H.R. 4899). The amendment was
introduced by Sen. Susan Collins (R, Maine) and
approved May 27 on a 60-37 vote. It will now go to
the House. Please click here for entire
article. |
Older Americans Start Own Businesses
Laura Petrecca
toiling for three decades in finance, it wouldn't
be surprising if 65-year-old Patrick Althizer
kicked back and lived off his savings and Social
Security. But with a spirit not ready for
sedentary retirement - as well as college costs
for two daughters - he veered off to a new career
path: leading shutterbugs through the stunning
waterfall areas of Yosemite National
Park. Please click here for entire
article. |
Compensation Update
Your Premium with the Miami Valley NARI/Frank
Gates Group Rating
Plan Eligible Miami Valley NARI
member's members will begin receiving BWC group
rating information in June 2010 for the July 1,
2011 rate year. We recommend Frank
Gate/Avizent as their only group rating
TPA/administrator. By enrolling Frank Gates
Group plan and not another group, you will receive
the highest premium discounts possible. Frank
Gates will provide additional cost control
services and you will support the mission of the
Miami Valley NARI.
BWC Drug-Free Safety Program (DFSP) Available July
1, 2010
has approved a new drug-free program available to
Miami Valley NARI members beginning July 1, 2023
that offers premium discounts between 3-7%.
Companies that are in Group Rating or used up
their previous eligibility in the Drug-Free
Workplace Program (which is being phased out
effective July 1, 2023) are able to enroll in this
program and obtain the discount. There is no
limit to the number of years of participation in
this new program. The application deadline
to enroll in the July 1, 2023 DFSP is June 30,
2010 and the deadline to enroll in the January 1,
2011 DFSP is October 29, 2010.
Gates works with a nationally recognized drug-free
provider that can assist with every program
requirement including employee and supervisor
training and related drug testing so you do not
have to worry about anything. All at DFSP
Made Simple package pricing. Please
click here for entire
to Wake Dormant Customers
go quiet... they just do. They may no longer buy a
product or service, or they may have stopped
interacting with the brand altogether. But a
business shouldn't give up customers without a
fight. Whether your customers have gone to the
competition or just gone silent, they are worth
your time and effort to woo them again. Here are
five practical, easy to implement tips to engage
dormant customers and expand your base of paying,
active patrons. Find Out
Why They Have Gone
Silent There is a reason
your customers are no longer interacting with your
brand and uncovering the reason why is an
important first step. One way to do this is to use
online surveys and polls that are specifically
crafted for this subsection of your business.
Don't be afraid to ask and be direct. This
analysis will only make your business
stronger. Ask them what you could do better,
how you could adjust your offerings, how you might
better meet their needs, etc. Take the feedback
seriously and make adjustments where possible.
Then, let them know that their feedback was heard
and implemented. You might be surprised by how
much goodwill this generates, and how the goodwill
will bring them back.
Them with
Incentives Some
customers may require more than words to give you
back their business. Offer them something your
competitors can't, such as discounts on key
products or services, cash incentives, or
personalized service. Whatever you offer, make
it unique to your business and valuable to your
customers. If everyone in your market offers
free shipping, for instance, that won't get you
very far. You'll want to consider incentives that
truly stand out. For example, you might want to
offer re-activation bonuses or one-time deep
discounts on your most popular products or
services. Or, you might offer a free hour of
personal consultation. Your offer will depend
on your business, what others in the space are
doing, and what your customers
Them - Don't Tell
Them Your dormant
customers may have become disengaged if they
didn't achieve the desired results from your
product or service. Show them the advantage of
buying or doing business with you by communicating
the successes / satisfaction of your active
customers are experiencing. If, for instance, you
are an online retailer offering personalized
shopping tips, show them a handful of happy
customer quotes about your
Social Networking to Connect Where They Are
Meet your customers on
common ground. Don't wait for them to come back on
their own. When you survey them (step 1),
determine what platforms they are using and begin
to engage. Use social media to connect with them
where they are. Everyday 450 million people use
Facebook - I bet your customers are there too. If
you are B2B, reach out on LinkedIn. Become a part
of the conversation with relevant information.
Here you could offer instructional content,
discounts, promotions, and links to related
content or conversations.
Persistent and
Proactive Look for
persistent ways to stay in front of disengaged
customers. For instance, a browser app can keep
you top of mind for every customer that downloads
the add-on. Use apps to share everything from
content, functionality, social media resources,
chat, video, RSS, and more. Dormant customers
might be attracted to the versatility and
accessibility, and you can easily keep them
engaged with news, special offers, customer
successes, and more every time they go
online. |
Valley NARI Offers a FEMA Initiative
1995, PB Disaster Services was originally selected
by FEMA as the prime contractor for one of two
nationwide contracts to inspect homes damaged as a
result of a Presidentially declared emergency or
natural disaster. The Disaster Housing
Inspection Services Program provides emergency
grants, often within hours of inspection, for
property owners whose dwellings have been damaged
by natural disasters. In performing the work, PB
calls on a large network of independent contract
inspectors that are able to complete inspections
within 24 hours of being deployed. These
inspectors use handheld computers loaded with
government provided software to capture damages to
the property. This data is then used to generate a
report that allows FEMA to make an award
determination, often within hours of the completed
application. Please click here for more
Class to be
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