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A periodic e-bulletin to keep you in the NARI know.

Our July 6, 2023 meeting will be held at 11:30 AM at the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center, 6790 Webster Street, Dayton, Ohio. Those wishing to order a meal must order it ahead of time. The meeting specifics and the link for your meal order are now available at:

http://www.mvboc.org/meetinginfopage.htm or contact the Miami Valley NARI Office at (937) 222.6274.

NARI members are being offered two complimentary tickets valued at $1075 to Super 2006 Conference with Phil Rea & Rodney Webb July 14th & 15th in St. Louis. Email the NARI office or call Fred at 222.6274 for details.

Step outside and feel the heat and humidity. Now imagine you, your honey, and your friends cruising the river enjoying the breeze, the food, and the pace of the evening. The B & B Riverboat Cruise is Saturday, July22nd. Believe it or not, July 22nd is not that far off. There are currently sixteen tickets sold for what promises to be a relaxing evening on the river. Why not join in, make your reservations TODAY! Email the NARI office or call 222.6274

We are up to seven as the number of member companies that have committed to participate in this wonderful project. In the next couple of weeks we would like to get all the committals in and the building underway. Your association staff will gladly help in the coordination and communication between you and your designated charity. The sooner your house is built the more events it can be at to sell raffle tickets. It's a pretty safe bet that your charity volunteers will man the station to sell the tickets at the events. The Designer Pet Houses for Charity project is a good thing, and there is nothing wrong with being involved with a good thing. Thanks to everyone involved. If there is anything you need email the NARI office or call 222.6274

There are not many tickets left for the Dayton Dragons game on Monday, August 21st. Some companies are planning on having a bunch of fun at the ballpark, how about you? Make plans to join us. Call: (937) 222.6274

The 2006 Miami Valley NARI Golf Outing will be Tuesday, September 19th at Beavercreek Country Club. Sponsors are needed for just about every thing so if you, or someone you know wants to sponsor a hole, a long drive, closest to, drink ticket, goodie bag, mulligan, or anything else, get in touch with Fred at the NARI offices or call 222.6274

Have you got any news you would like to share with members? Contact Fred at (937) 222.6274 or [email protected] with information about new locations, branch openings, significant birthdays (or significant other birthdays), whatever. Appropriate news can be shared in Nuts & Bolts at no charge. Communication is a wonderful thing.

The 2004 Residential Code for Ohio for One-, Two- and Three-Family Dwellings book is available to Miami Valley NARI members at the International Code Council's member rates. To order one or more copies, contact the Miami Valley NARI Office at (937) 222.6274 or visit your Members Only area of www.naridayton.org. The price is $74.25 and includes tax and shipping and handling. This is a savings of more than $22.00 per book. This product comes in a binder and amends the 2003 International Residential Code. Allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.