Membership Meeting June 10, 2024

Leading Your Business Into Retirement

Presented by Brian Schlosser 


 Sales lead times are long.  Competitors are bidding jobs with no margin.  Overall demand for your service is down.  Customers are paying late.  Suppliers are not extending credit.  We could go on all day.  Times are tough.  Retirement?  Are you kidding? 
Now is the time to rebuild your business from the ground up.  Brian will be discussing practical steps on how to lead your business and your people to your goal of financial security and success.  
The breakfast will take place at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road. Registration, Networking and Breakfast begin at 7:30 a.m. with the program from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Registration fees are $10.00 for certified professionals, $20.00 for non-certified members and $30.00 for non-members. Register online at or call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today! 


EPA RRP Rule Certification June 15, 2010


Miami Valley NARI has another class for the EPA's RRP Rule Certification scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 2010.  This class will be instructed by William Menrath, MS.  If you or your firm is not yet certified, here is an opportunity. The class will take place from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road.  The cost of the class is $179.00 for member companies or $229.00 for non-member companies.
EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (40 CFR 745) requires that renovations conducted for compensation, must be performed by Certified Firms using Certified Renovators. Renovation firms that wish to work in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must apply to the EPA and pay a fee in order to become certified. Renovators seeking to become Certified Renovators must successfully complete an EPA-accredited renovator course or a course accredited by an EPA-authorized State or Tribe. This course is the EPA model course for Certified Renovators and as such meets all requirements in 40 CFR 745.90. This course will teach attendees how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule, and how to perform lead-safe work practices safely and effectively. Once you have successfully completed a Certified Renovator Initial Course, delivered by an EPA-accredited training provider, you will be an EPA Certified Renovator. EPA Certified Renovator status will allow you to do lead-safe renovation, repair, and painting work in pre-1978 housing and in child- occupied facilities where work will disturb lead-based paint.
The class is limited to 24 students and will fill up quickly.  Please call (937) 222-6274 to register or go to


Clients Provide The Best Insight Into Ad Campaigns

By Morgan Zenner

Everyone struggles with how to best convey their message through advertising. What is visually interesting to the business owner might not be to the person whose attention you're trying to get. Finding ways to get your clients' opinion will give you greater insight into business decisions and place your company top of your client's minds.
For example, asking a client's opinion on your advertising is one way to use their comments as a guide to show you how far to push the envelope.
Joseph Gilday, marketing director of Gilday Renovations, was trying to increase interactivity between his clients and his company. At the same time, he was working on a variety of creative concepts for the company's advertising campaign. But the new campaign was stepping outside the norm of Gilday's previous advertising, thanks to a new advertising consultant hired by the company.
Please click
here for entire article.


10 Secrets for Customer-Survey Success


Customer surveys can be powerful tools for small and medium-sized businesses trying to better understand any number of issues, from customer experience and brand association to loyalty, satisfaction and quality. However, they must be intelligently designed and well executed.


We all have experience with the poor surveys Globe comment writers discussed. It's not that putting together a good survey is hard, it's just that - like anything else - there is a process to it, and attention to detail really matters. Here are some ground rules for building a solid survey and driving above-average participation.


Please click here for entire article.


Print Ads Can Work Well With Your Website 

Is it true the world of print media is changing radically? Of course, no secret there. But I also think reports of print's death have been greatly exaggerated. Go to any magazine stand and you will see what I mean. There are still hundreds of magazines out there, and newspapers big and small are figuring out ways to carry on.

That said it is equally true that there are fewer ads and fewer print options than a decade ago. Let me suggest, however, that the changes offer the savvy small business person some tremendous opportunities.
Please click
here for entire article.


Stay Safe from Crooked Contractors


Here are some tips on how to protect yourself and your wallet from crooked contractors.
The Better Business Bureau sees home improvement businesses as one of their highest complaint areas every year, making planning and research critical for homeowners. While hundreds of contractors are BBB accredited and honest and fair, others are not.
Here are some do and don'ts for anyone considering home repairs.
 - Do make a project plan and have a budget in mind.
 - Do check with the BBB to look up the contractor's reliability report.
 - Do ask for help from friends and family for references. Or try the free program on the BBB's website called Request-A-Quote, where you'll get bids from qualified accredited businesses within a few days.
 - Do get a written contract, including a description of the work and materials used, before the work begins.

As for the don'ts, don't fall for common red flags. They include contractors who solicit door-to-door for business, those who offer special discounts or use high pressure sales techniques or use ploys like they have a special deal from leftover materials. Other red flags include offers for a special financing deal if you use their lender and if they lack a local business listing.
 - Don't pay up front, instead pay one third up front, one third half way through, and one third at the end.
 - Don't pay cash; you have more protection using a check or credit card.
 - Don't assume your contractor has the proper insurance, permits, and licenses. Do your homework and check it out.

No matter how big or small the repair job, ask a lot of questions. And the BBB recommends getting two or three estimates for the project. There is a three-day cooling off law that allows you to get out of most home repair projects if you feel like you're were pressured into it.


Independent Contractors: Get Paid On Time


There is a tendency for employers to devalue work from freelance contractors or view it as somehow less important than similar work that is completed in-house. Don't magnify that tendency by coming across tentatively, worrying about being "pushy," or being undisciplined in your billing.
"Set out what you expect from your clients in writing. Just as they expect a certain level of professionalism from you, such as adherence to deadlines, you should expect the same respectful treatment from them," says Rohit Shukla, president of Larta Institute, a Los Angeles-based commercialization services company that works with many small businesses and self-employed individuals.
Please click
here for entire article.


Six Reasons You're Not Rocking Social Media


You know the value is there in social media, but despite your best efforts (or what you think are your best efforts), you're still struggling to attract anyone. What's going on and how can you change your social media luck? Below are six reasons SMBs often fail in social media and how you can turn it around.
Stop me when this sounds familiar.
Please click
here for entire article.


Increase in Homeowners Who Say They Will Remodel in 2010

By Nina Patel


The U.S. Remodeling Sentiment Report reveals a 13% increase in the number of homeowners who say they will remodel in the next 12 months. This increase follows a 5% increase in last year's report. The Spring 2010 Sentiment Report, is a survey by of 5,000 homeowners in the U.S. who are considering remodeling. The report also shows that the recession has had several impacts on U.S. homeowners. These include:
 - The most popular projects in the past- remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms- have decreased in popularity. Adding a bathroom is now the most popular project.
 - Interest in do-it-yourself projects, both the actual building as well as acting as their own general contractor, has remained steady throughout the economic downturn.
 - Economizing on the cost of materials is growing in popularity at the same time, as fewer homeowners are reporting they will use expensive materials for their remodel. The percentage of homeowners reporting they will use average costing materials remains the same.
 - The number of homeowners reporting they are excited about remodeling has climbed to an all-time high of 54%.

Summary results from the report:

Homeowners who report they:                     2008           2010
Plan to hire a general contractor                  66%            64%
Plan to do some of the remodeling work       67%            66%
Are excited about remodeling                      48%            54%
Plan to remodel a bathroom                        49%            42%
Plan to remodel the kitchen                        55%            48%
Plan to add a bathroom                              49%            53%


May 26, 2010





Miami Valley NARI
937.222.NARI (6274) | Fax: 937.222.5794 |
[email protected]