The EPA RRP Rule, What it Means to the Contractor

May 13 was the date of our educational program presented by Don Ebding and Mark Fleming regarding the affects of the EPA's RRP Rule on your business. For those in attendance this program was quite an "eye opener" concerning the legal and liability ramifications of the new RRP Lead Rule mandated by the Federal EPA. Mr. Ebding and Mr. Fleming were kind enough to provide their PowerPoint slides for all to review.
Please click
here for Mr. Ebding's presentation.
Please click here for Mr. Fleming's presentation.


Ten-four '10, Bring a Good Buddy


Miami Valley NARI is five months into our 2010 membership campaign entitled: "Ten-Four '10, Bring a Good Buddy". Our latest two recipients of the $100.00 bounty are Ray Bell, CR with Greater Dayton Building & Remodeling and Tim Garrison, CR, CKD with Home Towne Construction. Don't forget that there will be a drawing at the end of the campaign (October 15, 2023) for a Cruise, and it won't be on the Ohio River. The more members you recruit the more times your name will be available for the drawing. Don't miss out; recruit a "Good Buddy" today!
Congratulations to Tim and Ray. Keep up the good work


Membership Meeting May 25, 2024

Gas Safety and Efficiency

Presented by Mike Wilson

Join us as Mike Wilson of Vectren talks about "Gas Safety and Efficiency" including new marking standards that were implemented in April.  We can all afford to learn ways to be safe as well as ways to help conserve energy to cut costs and to protect our beautiful planet.

The luncheon will take place at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road. Registration and Networking begin at 11:00 a.m.  Lunch and the program are from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registration fees are $25.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members. Register today at or call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today! 


Membership Meeting June 10, 2024

Leading Your Business Into Retirement

Presented by Brian Schlosser 


Sales lead times are long.  Competitors are bidding jobs with no margin.  Overall demand for your service is down.  Customers are paying late.  Suppliers are not extending credit.  We could go on all day.  Times are tough.  Retirement?  Are you kidding? 
Now is the time to rebuild your business from the ground up.  Brian will be discussing practical steps on how to lead your business and your people to your goal of financial security and success.  
The breakfast will take place at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road. Registration and Networking begin at 7:30 a.m.  Breakfast and the program are from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Registration fees are $10.00 for certified, $20.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members. Register online at or call (937) 222-6274 and RSVP today! 


EPA RRP Rule Certification June 11, 2024



EPA RRP Rule Certification June 15, 2010


Miami Valley NARI has another class for the EPA's RRP Rule Certification scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 2010.  This class will be instructed by William Menrath, MS.  If you or your firm is not yet certified, here is an opportunity. The class will take place from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza North on Wagner Ford Road.  The cost of the class is $179.00 for member companies or $229.00 for non-member companies.
EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (40 CFR 745) requires that renovations conducted for compensation, must be performed by Certified Firms using Certified Renovators. Renovation firms that wish to work in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must apply to the EPA and pay a fee in order to become certified. Renovators seeking to become Certified Renovators must successfully complete an EPA-accredited renovator course or a course accredited by an EPA-authorized State or Tribe. This course is the EPA model course for Certified Renovators and as such meets all requirements in 40 CFR 745.90. This course will teach attendees how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule, and how to perform lead-safe work practices safely and effectively. Once you have successfully completed a Certified Renovator Initial Course, delivered by an EPA-accredited training provider, you will be an EPA Certified Renovator. EPA Certified Renovator status will allow you to do lead-safe renovation, repair, and painting work in pre-1978 housing and in child- occupied facilities where work will disturb lead-based paint.
The class is limited to 24 students and will fill up quickly.  Please call (937) 222-6274 to register or go to


Proposed Changes to the EPA RRP Rule

The following is a summary of some proposed changes to the RRP Rule - yes, already.
Containment in exterior projects

If the renovation will affect surfaces within 10 feet of the property line, the renovation firm must erect vertical containment to insure that dust and debris from the renovation does not contaminate adjacent buildings or migrate to adjacent properties. Vertical containment may also be necessary in other situations, such as in windy conditions, in order to prevent contamination of other buildings, other areas of the property, or adjacent buildings or properties.
Project Clearance
Occurrence 1 - Clearance by a certified inspector, certified risk assessor, or certified dust sampling technician is required after renovations involving the demolition, or removal through destructive means, of more than 6 ft2 of plaster and lath building component, or the disturbance of paint using machines designed to remove paint through high-speed operation, such as sanding, grinding, power planning, needle gun, abrasive blasting or sandblasting.
The certified inspector, certified risk assessor, or certified dust sampling technician:
1) must perform a visual inspection to determine whether dust, debris or residue is still present in the renovation work area.  If dust, debris or residue is present, these conditions must be removed by re-cleaning and another visual inspection must be performed. 
2) must collect dust wipe samples and send them to an recognized EPA laboratory for analysis
3) if the residual lead level in a particular dust sample or test equals or exceeds the applicable clearance level, the components represented by the failed sample or test shall be recleaned and re-tested
4) must prepare a clearance report and provide it to the renovation firm within 3 days of the date that the final dust wipe testing results are obtained.
Occurrence 2 - Dust wipe testing must be performed by a certified inspector, certified risk assessor, or certified dust sampling technician after all renovations involving the use of a heat gun at temperatures below 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, removal or replacement of window or door frames, scraping 60 ft2 or more of painted surfaces, and removing more than 40 ft2 of trim, molding, cabinets, or other fixtures.
The certified inspector, certified risk assessor, or certified dust sampling technician:
1) after cleaning verification has been performed, must collect dust wipe samples
2) dust wipe samples must be analyzed by a laboratory or other entity recognized by EPA
3) must prepare a dust wipe testing report and provide it to the renovation firm within 3 days of the date that the dust wipe testing results are obtained
If clearance or dust wipe testing is performed, the renovation firm must provide, within 3 days of the date the renovation firm receives the report, a copy of the clearance or dust wipe testing report to the owner of the building; and, if different, an adult occupant of the residential dwelling, if the renovation took place within a residential dwelling, or an adult representative of the child occupied facility.
Please click
here for the entire article.


How to Keep Customers for Life

We all know the adage that it's a lot cheaper to keep customers than it is to get new ones. Dan Kennedy, one of the world's leading marketers, has conducted a study into why businesses fail to keep customers.
Here are the reasons customers leave:
  � 1% die
  � 3% move away
  � 5% follow a friend or relative's advice and switch to their  recommended supplier
  � 9% switch due to a better price or better product
  � 14% switch due to product or service dissatisfaction.
Please click
here for the entire article.


Contractor Makes Mark with 'Footprint' Analysis 

Turman Commercial Painters says it has something in common with business behemoths Wal-Mart, Intel, and Citibank: all are going where relatively few companies have gone before with pioneering environmental initiatives.
Turman, based in Livermore, Calif., says its actions in the environmental arena deserve special notice, in that the company is one of the few businesses in the construction and allied trades to conduct a "carbon-footprint analysis" of its operations.
Please click
here for entire article.


Understand Your Company's Break-Even Point

By Lynn Vos 


Every business owner needs a fundamental understanding of a company's break-even point. What's a break-even point you ask? The profit and loss break-even point is the point at which costs or expenses are equal to the revenues.
Every business owner needs to know at what level of sales he can cover his expenses. Then you can take this number and use it to guide your performance and/or communicate to your employees the minimum level of performance needed to keep the business going.
Please click
here for entire article.


Speedup in Demand for Countertops Forecast

By Craig Webb 


America's demand for countertops will grow between 2008 and 2013 at close to twice the annual rate that it showed during the preceding five years, reaching 760 million square feet in 2013, the Freedonia Group recently forecasted.

Engineered and natural stone countertops will see the biggest percentage gains, climbing 8% and 9.6%, respectively, but laminates will continue to account for nearly three-fifths of all sales, the Cleveland-based research group said.

Please click
here for entire article.


May 19, 2010





Miami Valley NARI
937.222.NARI (6274) | Fax: 937.222.5794 |
[email protected]