with the Dragons is
August21st and there are still a few tickets left.
What a great opportunity to thank staff for a job well done or
clients for a referral. Every ticket includes a Dayton Dragon's ball
cap and a guaranteed good time. Contact the
office to
reserve your
tickets TODAY!
Certification Classes for Fall 2006 are
forming now. Study sessions begin in September with the exams
inmid-November. Knowledge andprofessionalism go straight to the bottom
line. CR, CKBR, CRS, or
CLC after you name, smart? Yes. Profitable?
You-Betcha!!!Contact the NARI
let them know what certification YOU are interested in.
Miami Valley NARI now has a Members Only List
Serve.An email forumthat allows members to email all
members at one time, your questions go to members of your profession
who can relate. There's a wealth of knowledge out there to be tapped
into, check it out Don't reinvent the wheel or spend hours
frustrated - your fellow members are here to help. Read more
about the List Serve by clicking
here orif
you have a remodeling related question, email
[email protected].
Valley Building Officials
Council (MVBOC)
will be holding their meeting on May 4 from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at
the Top of the Market. The topic will be "Ohio's
Adoption of the One-, Two-, and Three-Family Dwelling Code."
Registration deadline is May 1. Cost is $20.00. To
register, click
summer fun coming for Miami Valley NARI members by way of a
Riverboat Cruise - Saturday, July22nd.
Set sail at 7:00pm fora 2 � hour
cruise.Full dinner
buffet,cashbar,goodview, GREATcompany.
Contact the NARI
office to be
sure you get in on this.
Valley NARI is looking for members to serve on the Legislative
Committee. If you are interested in local or state
legislative issues facing the remodeling industry, let us
know. The time commitment is minimal, the support is vital.
(about 30 minutes a month) Contact the NARI
Miami Valley NARI is
sponsoring a Member-Get-A-Member Campaign. The campaign
startedApril 1 and will run through November.NARI
memberswill receive $100 cash for each new member brought into
the organization. Call the NARI office for packets of
informationor ask a member of the staff to send information on
your behalf!