A periodic e-bulletin to keep you in the NARI know.
Valley NARI is looking for members to serve on the Legislative
Committee. If you are interested in local or state legislative
issues facing the remodeling industry, let us know. The time
commitment is minimal, about 30 minutes a month but the support is
vital. Contact the NARI office if
forget to gather your donations for the NARI Remodeling Yard Sale,
May 20. Donations can be dropped off on Wednesdays from 10:00
a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Sale site (southwest corner of Clyo Road &
Franklin Street). For more information or to volunteer to work
the day of the Sale contact the NARI office.
April Membership Meeting will be a luncheon meeting from 11:00
a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26 at the Holiday Inn Dryden
Road. The topic is "Marketing Remodeling in Dayton, Ohio."
RSVP today by calling or emailing the NARI office.
office is happy to welcome Fred Young to the staff. Fred will
serve as an Association Executive for Miami Valley NARI. He is
dedicated to providing members with exceptional service and benefits
that meet and exceed all expectations.
are afew tickets left for NARI'sEvening with the Dragons
on August21. Tickets are only $10a pieceand
a Dragon's cap is included with each. Come join fellow
remodeling professionals, families, friends and clients for an
evening with the Dragons. Contact the NARI office to reserve
your ticketsTODAY!
If you
or any of your creware interested in NARI Certification
(Certified Remodeler, Certified Kitchenand Bath Remodeler,
Certified Remodeler Specialist, or Certified Lead Carpenter),
classes for the Fall of 2006 are forming now.Contact the
NARI officeand let a member of the staff know your
interests.Study sessions begin in Septemberwith
the exams inmid-November.
Valley NARIhas established a Members Only List Serve.
This is an email forumthat allows members to email all members
at one time with inquiries. Don't reinvent the wheel or spend
hours frustrated - your fellow members are here to help. Read
more about the List Serve by clicking here orif you have a remodeling related question,
email [email protected].
Miami Valley Building Officials Council (MVBOC) will be holding
their meeting on May 4 from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Top of the
Market. The topic will be "Ohio's Adoption of the One-, Two-,
and Three-Family Dwelling Code." Registration deadline is May
1. Cost is $20.00. To register, click here.
Montgomery County has a position available in their Building
Regulations Division for a Master Plans Examiner. For more
information on the position and requirements, visit www.mcohio.org ("Find a
Job" link).