Miami Valley NARI's Designer Pet Houses for Charity
Miami Valley NARI’s Designer Pet Houses for Charity program is designed to provide various charities throughout the Miami Valley with an opportunity for recognition and funding by the raffling of designer pet houses designed and built by members of the Miami Valley Chapter of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.
Members of the chapter committed to design and build a unique, high quality pet houses that were raffled to consumers at the end of HomeWorld 2007, the area’s largest and most complete home show.
As the voice of the remodeling industry, NARI has an inclusive, encompassing purpose: to establish and maintain a firm commitment to developing and sustaining programs that expand and unite the remodeling industry; to ensure the industry’s growth and security; to encourage ethical conduct, sound business practices and professionalism in the remodeling industry; and to present NARI as the recognized authority in the remodeling industry.
We thank the members involved, those suppliers who have donated materials for the houses and the charities for making this program a success. There were several very happy pet owners in the Miami Valley!
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